My Last Talk of the Year
Taunton in Somerset
Taunton Literary Festival was my last book talk of the year, and what exalted company I was in. Other speakers during the month of book events included Vince Cable, The Countess of Carnarvon (owner of Highclere Castle – think Downton Abbey), and my fellow Froomy, Peter Clark.
The sweet little bookshop, Brendon Books, has a good collection of books both new and secondhand and is located in pedestrianised Bath Place, which is part of an area of alleyways with small shops, cafes and wine bars. The lovely Taunton audience asked more questions than at any talk I’ve given so far…and audience Q&A is my favourite part of a talk.
Before my talk, Peter and I met up with Kira and Jack of ski and sailing clothing manufacturer, Helly Hansen. Their office is just down the road from Taunton, so they came to my talk as well. I am sad to have done my final festival of 2013, as I was really enjoying meeting my readers!
I have given a total of 13 talks since my book launched in July, two webinars, one TV interview, five radio interviews, not to mention interviews for newspapers and magazines in the UK, Austria, Germany and the USA! I am now starting to get some bookings for January, including a talk at the Austrian Embassy in London.
If you haven’t already bought my book, please do so! Or perhaps you might consider buying it for your friends – it’s the perfect size and price for a Christmas present! You can buy it by clicking the button at the top right of this page, or at your local bookshop. Book stores can order in the book if they don’t have it in stock, as can libraries.